One major key (cue DJ Khaled) to maintaining a moisturized look with a twist-out is to use the proper technique while styling your hair. This sets you up for a potentially long-lasting style that you can refresh at your leisure. For tips on how to achieve a nearly perfect twist-out, look here.
Image Source: @pgeeeee
The secret to maintaining a healthy and fresh-looking style is moisture. Here are some tips on moisturizing a twist-out and continuing to slay, days after taking the twists down.
Try a Hair Steamer
Steam therapy is an efficient way to allow moisture back into your hair strands after a period of dryness. The moisture and heat allow the follicles to be lifted up and make the moisturizing process much easier. It can improve elasticity and enhance curl definition, and it’s a great option for low-porosity naturals, as well. Read more about the benefits of steaming here.
Steamers are perfect for moisturizing twist-outs because they make it easier to restyle the hair without it becoming saturated with water. This step removes the hassle of waiting for the style to set and dry and doesn’t destroy the form of the twist-out. It’s just enough water to add some life back into the style.
YouTubers Allmyluvs and Chizi Duru use the popular Q-Redew to moisturize their twist-outs, and both routines take about ten minutes or less.
Allmyluvs focuses on moisturizing her ends with the Q-Redew and re-twists her hair in chunky twists. She uses a few other products for her routine:
- Olive Oil Eco Styler Gel
- Camille Rose Fresh Curl
- Simplicity Hair Oil
- Carol’s Daughter Mimosa Hair Honey
- CURLS Blueberry Bliss Hair Growth Oil
After steaming at the roots, Chizi uses avocado oil and a hair pick to fluff her twist-out as desired.
If you aren’t interested in steaming your hair or don’t own a hair steamer, using a spray bottle, or working with a dry twist-out can work as well.
MahoganyCurls uses only one product, CURLS Blueberry Bliss Twist-N-Shout Cream, to moisturize her twist-out. The fact that the product is water-based makes it easier to use on dry hair and provides a bit of hold and shine. She then re-twists in relatively small sections.
Keisha Johnella uses a spray bottle with water and coconut oil, separating her hair into two sections for better manageability. She lightly sprays her hair before retwisting with the coconut oil, focusing on the ends.
Don’t forget to protect your twist-out at night —whether you wear a satin bonnet, do the pineapple method, or use some other routine. Protecting your style, particularly the ends, will help to retain moisture.
Do you have a good routine for moisturizing a twist-out? Share it below in the comments. To find twist-out related products that naturals are raving about, click herehttps://www.beautycon.com/article/my-secret-to-a-poppin-twist-out.